Sustainable | StrawZ doesn't get sticky like paper straws | 100% biodegradable

We are StrawZ, the sustainable Straw-Explorers
Each straw is unique in it's own way, just like our customers. That's why we keep searching for new opportunities to deliver exactly those eco friendly straws which our customers want.
It's started all with our HAY! Straws® "Original" family, the cocktail and the tall out of wheat. Soon after we have developed our "Jumbo" family out of reed. Latest development was the wrap around our sustainable straws, the straws were getting a cold :-)
We are StrawZ, the Straw explorers in search for your needs. So if you still unable to pick your Straw, get in touch, we definitely can help you out!
Join the Straw-Volution®!
It's good to have the upcoming ban on plastic straws as of July 2023. But the nasty truth behind plastic pollution is that still not enough is being done to really fix the problem. As a private individual, you can already switch to more sustainable solutions as an alternative to disposable products made of (bio) plastic.As a loner you don't immediately make a difference, but what if your favorite bar, restaurant or retail chain finds out about it? That really makes an impact. So make sure that you, your friends, and your favorite brands and companies also make the switch to our eco friendly straws and join our Straw-Volution®!
StrawZ started at the end of 2018 with the mission "Reducing the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry". With the introduction of our Hay! Straws® in Europe we help everyone to make the switch to sustainable straws.
Our eco friendly straws are the only real sustainable, 100% compostable and organic alternative to plastic, PLA, biobased and paper straws.
Get rid of that (bio) plastic, paper or cheap ass wheat or reed straw which is produced in a non-fair and ethical way. And presto! A wheat or reed drinking straw from StrawZ in that glass, can or bottle. That is ethical and sustainable entrepreneurship with impact! Not only looks much nicer, it also feels and drinks much better.

Join the Straw-Volution®!
It's good to have the upcoming ban on plastic straws as of July 2021. But the nasty truth behind plastic pollution is that still not enough is being done to really fix the problem. As a private individual, you can already switch to more sustainable solutions as an alternative to disposable products made of (bio) plastic.As a loner you don't immediately make a difference, but what if your favorite bar, restaurant or retail chain finds out about it? That really makes an impact. So make sure that you, your friends, and your favorite brands and companies also make the switch to our eco friendly straws and join our Straw-Volution®!
StrawZ started at the end of 2018 with the mission "Reducing the ecological footprint in the hospitality industry". With the introduction of our Hay! Straws® in Europe we help everyone to make the switch to sustainable straws.
Our eco friendly straws are the only real sustainable, 100% compostable and organic alternative to plastic, PLA, biobased and paper straws.
Get rid of that (bio) plastic, paper or cheap ass wheat or reed straw which is produced in a non-fair and ethical way. And presto! A wheat or reed drinking straw from StrawZ in that glass, can or bottle. That is ethical and sustainable entrepreneurship with impact! Not only looks much nicer, it also feels and drinks much better.
"They don't go soggy in a drink like paper options, don't require cleaning like metal ones, and are completely biodegradable"
- Lauren Hubbard

“Using a pure wheat byproduct, these are entirely compostable and biodegradable.”
- Dan Q. Dao

“We left a drink out with a Hay! Straw in it, and five hours later the straw still wasn’t soggy"
- Bonnie McCarthy

“Completely biodegradable straws that can be tossed (guilt-free) right into the compost bin”
- Ian Centrone

"They are sturdy and don't get soggy, and they don't involve raising trees (as paper does), or extracting metals from the earth"
- Sarah Engler

“Straws made out of straw”
- David Carrig

"Airy and light in feel, they’ll upgrade your Tiki drinks."
- Rachel DelRocco

About Pieter and StrawZ
StrawZ was formed in late 2018 with a mission to reduce the carbon footprint in the hospitality industry (and beyond)
We help every entrepreneur make the switch to a sustainable alternative to plastic straws.
StrawZ operates internationally. Pieter is your point of contact and is there for you.
Want to know more about our straws? Contact Pieter directly. Or order a sample pack in the shop.